Thanks for visiting Hyenas in Petticoats Entertainment.

We're the parent company of Hyenas in Petticoats Productions (Los Angeles) and Hyenas in Petticoats Press (Chicago).

Connect with Hyenas in Petticoats Productions

Team Hyenas is NOT taking unsolicited queries for any production of any script. If you send us a query, we cannot legally open it (for your protection and ours). If you query us multiple times, our email system will automatically block your email address, so please be nice and don't query us. If and when we can take queries, we'll post it in big letters on our production page. If you don't see a message like that, then assume we are still not accepting queries.

We do offer comprehensive script coverage - at the bottom of our production page.

Connect with Hyenas in Petticoats Press

We are not taking on new authors right now. If you'd like to be considered for our author list in the future you can:

Fill out our author survey. to get on our author waitlist.

Submit a short story to our current anthology. It will give us a chance to read your writing and you might get published!

Or you can take advantage of our DIY writer services and empower your own writing success! We help authors help themselves.

If you are experiencing technical issues, please contact [email protected]