Author spotlight: Carrie Fitch

By Hyenas in Petticoats Press - January 12, 2021
Author spotlight: Carrie Fitch

This week's featured contributor is author and screenwriter Carrie Fitch, who contributed "Pamela's Last Egg" to our anthology.

What inspired you to write this story? 
I had a dream about my mom once and she told me she was pregnant. This was absurd because she was in her late 50s at the time. In the dream, I asked her if it was her last egg. We both thought this was very funny. That’s all I remember. I rarely dream or remember them, but for some reason this one stuck with me and I wrote it down. And some years later it became a concept.
What is “Pamela’s Last Egg” about? 
A 50-something political candidate is shocked to discover she’s not menopausal – she’s pregnant – and must hide it from the public, her campaign staff, and her husband – because the baby isn’t his.
How did you come up with the concept and characters for your story?
I started with the concept of a woman getting pregnant with her last egg and built a character and a situation around it, making sure she would be under a lot of pressure to keep the baby, and also a lot of pressure to keep the pregnancy a secret. 
How did you come up with the title? 
It was originally The Last Egg, and I changed it later on to include the main character’s name.
What do you hope readers will connect with in your story? 
Getting pregnant late in life, the problems of long marriages/long relationships, the need for connection and understanding no matter your age, the conflict between our professional lives and our family lives, big life transitions – especially in midlife
Have you written any other books or scripts, published or unpublished? 
I’ve written 6 features, ½ of a novel, dozens of poems, essays, and news columns. 
Is there a writer whose brain you’d love to pick for advice? 
Aline Brosh McKenna – she’s an amazing writer and has worked with both films and television. I would just love to have lunch with her and listen to her talk about her experiences as a writer.
Did you know? In 2014, I took a gap year and spent 6 months traveling around the world and 8 months taking the ProSeries (ScreenwritingU) before returning to full time employment.

CARRIE FITCH - is an optioned screenwriter and author specializing in heartwarming, empowering dramas and romantic comedies about women. In her work, she explores the emotional struggles and imbalances of life, and searches for new and creative resolutions to return her characters to a life in balance. Her screenplay, Heart of a Racer, a coming-of-age teenage drama, was a Top 30 Finalist in the Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest. She produced the film Illusions of Cyn, now available on Amazon. Her short story Pamela’s Last Egg is taken from her feature-length romantic comedy of the same name. Carrie is based in Texas, and was in an honors program at State University of New York at Fredonia, where she earned a B.A. in English. When not writing, you can often find her singing, creating plant-based versions of her favorite desserts, binge-watching the latest series about teenagers and their angst, or traveling the world.