Author spotlight: Katana V

By Hyenas in Petticoats Press - December 1, 2020
Author spotlight: Katana V

This week's featured contributor is author and poet Katana V., who answers questions about her story, "Do Your Karma," in the anthology THE STORIES OF SHE.

What inspired you to write DO YOUR KARMA?
The beginning of a Spiritual Awakening.
What is DO YOUR KARMA about?
Mira Meadowsweet dies unexpectedly and is forced to face her past to decide whether to return to Earth or meet the Council of Souls and her fate.
How did you come up with the concept and characters for your story?
I began thinking about the most common traumas women go through in their lives and continued from there. Most women can identify with overcoming one, or more, of the obstacles that Mira already has, or will, overcome.
What inspired the names of the characters?
I keep a running list of names I like to inspire the main character’s name, but ‘Shadow’, actually comes from Carl Jung’s concept of the ‘Shadow’ self.
How did you come up with the title?
My first three were taken by very popular movies and I’m pretty horrible at thinking up titles. One day, I just meditated on it and it came to me.
What do you hope readers will connect with in your story?
It’s my hope that the readers will be able to realize they aren’t alone in their struggle or journey. We may have different names for our pain, but we all feel the same pain and joy. Our thoughts convince us we’re alone in this in order to perpetuate the pain, but we are not our thoughts and we are never alone.
Did you learn anything during the writing of this story?
So much.
Have you written any other books or scripts, published or unpublished?
I’ve completed a poetry book. I have a dystopian novel in the works and my second poetry book, as well! I have a few short stories I keep on hand in the hopes that I’ll eventually publish a short story book, as well.
Is there a writer whose brain you’d love to pick for advice? Who and why?
Margaret Atwood- most well-known female dystopian writer. I’ve watched her Masterclass and would love to pick her brain on a few things.
Fun facts about DO YOUR KARMA:
The original story had several “shadow figures” showing Mira several more scenes from her life in order to depict the several parts of the soul according to Egyptian mythology; Ren, Ka, Ib, Ba, and Sheut. It was during this time that the working title was “Well, Sheut.”

KATANA V. - is a fiction author and poet from Michigan who released her first book of poetry, moments, in October 2018.  Her work has been published in online literary works, and The Silence of My Little Lambs, a short story, was short-listed by Short Fiction Break. Her story in this anthology, Do Your Karma, explores the themes of star-crossed lovers and abusive love found in her other works. Katana holds a degree in Environmental Science and continues to devote time to many projects while managing a coffeehouse, a dog, a cat, and her significant other.