Press release: James Moorer signs multi-book deal with Hyenas in Petticoats Press

By Hyenas in Petticoats Press - March 3, 2022
Press release: James Moorer signs multi-book deal with Hyenas in Petticoats Press

For Immediate Release:

LOS ANGELES/CHICAGO—Los Angeles-based author and screenwriter James Moorer recently signed a multi-book deal with independent publisher Hyenas in Petticoats Press.

James Moorer is an award-winning screenwriter, producer, and motivational speaker. He mentors fellow writers as the Director of Writer Outreach & Diversity Initiatives for Roadmap Writers. Originally from Cleveland, he’s beloved by friends and colleagues for his pep talks on social media and his loyalty to The Ohio State University. He’s also the self-appointed San Fernando Valley pancake expert.

Moorer is elated about the partnership. “When I saw the cover redesign, I teared up. I’m an over-fifty writer of color. It’s been a long haul to get to this moment, but when you’re determined, disciplined, and you put your butt in the chair every day, this is the blessing. It’s incredible to work with people who want to tell my stories, my way.”

Hyenas in Petticoats Entertainment is the parent company of sister firms Hyenas in Petticoats Press (Chicago) and Hyenas in Petticoats Productions (Los Angeles). The term “Hyenas in Petticoats” was used in the early 1900s as a derogatory nickname of the suffragettes who were fighting for women’s voting rights, but it backfired when some of them embraced it. Cofounders Laura Crisp Davis and Mindy Doranne love the idea of causing the same stir in the publishing and entertainment industries.

"We’re over the moon to welcome James to Team Hyenas. We know our readers will love the suspense and passion he brings to the page. He’s incredibly driven and consistently delivers high quality writing. He’s exactly the kind of writer we’ve hoped to sign,” said Davis.

Hyenas in Petticoats Press will launch a second edition of his first novel, “Two For The Pain: An Eddie Gideon Mystery,” on March 21, 2022, with five more of Moorer’s books to follow.

James plans to celebrate with a sexy stack of banana-granola pancakes with vanilla bean sauce and a California sunrise.